Module: ol/style/flat


Type Definitions


Circle style properties for rendering point features. At least circle-radius must be provided.

Name Type Argument Default Description
circle-radius number <optional>

Circle radius.

circle-fill-color Color | ColorLike <optional>

The fill color.

circle-stroke-color Color | ColorLike <optional>

The stroke color.

circle-stroke-width number <optional>

Stroke pixel width.

circle-stroke-line-cap CanvasLineCap <optional>

Line cap style: butt, round, or square.

circle-stroke-line-join CanvasLineJoin <optional>

Line join style: bevel, round, or miter.

circle-stroke-line-dash Array.<number> <optional>

Line dash pattern.

circle-stroke-line-dash-offset number <optional>

Line dash offset.

circle-stroke-miter-limit number <optional>

Miter limit.

circle-displacement Array.<number> <optional>


circle-scale number | Size <optional>

Scale. A two dimensional scale will produce an ellipse. Unless two dimensional scaling is required a better result may be obtained with an appropriate setting for circle-radius.

circle-rotation number <optional>

Rotation in radians (positive rotation clockwise, meaningful only when used in conjunction with a two dimensional scale).

circle-rotate-with-view boolean <optional>

Whether to rotate the shape with the view (meaningful only when used in conjunction with a two dimensional scale).

circle-declutter-mode "declutter" | "obstacle" | "none" | undefined <optional>

Declutter mode


Fill style properties applied to polygon features.

Name Type Argument Description
fill-color Color | ColorLike <optional>

The fill color.


Icon style properties applied to point features. One of icon-src or icon-img must be provided to render points with an icon.

Name Type Argument Default Description
icon-src string <optional>

Image source URI.

icon-img HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement <optional>

Image object for the icon. If the icon-src option is not provided then the provided image must already be loaded. And in that case, it is required to provide the size of the image, with the icon-img-size option.

icon-img-size Size <optional>

Image size in pixels. Only required if icon-img is set and icon-src is not. The provided size needs to match the actual size of the image.

icon-anchor Array.<number> <optional>
[0.5, 0.5]

Anchor. Default value is the icon center.

icon-anchor-origin IconOrigin <optional>

Origin of the anchor: bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left or top-right.

icon-anchor-x-units IconAnchorUnits <optional>

Units in which the anchor x value is specified. A value of 'fraction' indicates the x value is a fraction of the icon. A value of 'pixels' indicates the x value in pixels.

icon-anchor-y-units IconAnchorUnits <optional>

Units in which the anchor y value is specified. A value of 'fraction' indicates the y value is a fraction of the icon. A value of 'pixels' indicates the y value in pixels.

icon-color Color | string <optional>

Color to tint the icon. If not specified, the icon will be left as is.

icon-cross-origin null | string <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a icon-cross-origin value if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

icon-offset Array.<number> <optional>
[0, 0]

Offset, which, together with the size and the offset origin, define the sub-rectangle to use from the original icon image.

icon-displacement Array.<number> <optional>

Displacement of the icon.

icon-offset-origin IconOrigin <optional>

Origin of the offset: bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left or top-right.

icon-opacity number <optional>

Opacity of the icon.

icon-scale number | Size <optional>


icon-rotation number <optional>

Rotation in radians (positive rotation clockwise).

icon-rotate-with-view boolean <optional>

Whether to rotate the icon with the view.

icon-size Size <optional>

Icon size in pixel. Can be used together with icon-offset to define the sub-rectangle to use from the origin (sprite) icon image.

icon-declutter-mode "declutter" | "obstacle" | "none" | undefined <optional>

Declutter mode


Regular shape style properties for rendering point features. At least shape-points must be provided.

Name Type Argument Default Description
shape-points number <optional>

Number of points for stars and regular polygons. In case of a polygon, the number of points is the number of sides.

shape-fill-color Color | ColorLike <optional>

The fill color.

shape-stroke-color Color | ColorLike <optional>

The stroke color.

shape-stroke-width number <optional>

Stroke pixel width.

shape-stroke-line-cap CanvasLineCap <optional>

Line cap style: butt, round, or square.

shape-stroke-line-join CanvasLineJoin <optional>

Line join style: bevel, round, or miter.

shape-stroke-line-dash Array.<number> <optional>

Line dash pattern.

shape-stroke-line-dash-offset number <optional>

Line dash offset.

shape-stroke-miter-limit number <optional>

Miter limit.

shape-radius number <optional>

Radius of a regular polygon.

shape-radius1 number <optional>

First radius of a star. Ignored if radius is set.

shape-radius2 number <optional>

Second radius of a star.

shape-angle number <optional>

Shape's angle in radians. A value of 0 will have one of the shape's point facing up.

shape-displacement Array.<number> <optional>

Displacement of the shape

shape-rotation number <optional>

Rotation in radians (positive rotation clockwise).

shape-rotate-with-view boolean <optional>

Whether to rotate the shape with the view.

shape-scale number | Size <optional>

Scale. Unless two dimensional scaling is required a better result may be obtained with appropriate settings for shape-radius, shape-radius1 and shape-radius2.

shape-declutter-mode "declutter" | "obstacle" | "none" | undefined <optional>

Declutter mode.


Stroke style properties applied to line strings and polygon boundaries. To apply a stroke, at least one of stroke-color or stroke-width must be provided.

Name Type Argument Default Description
stroke-color Color | ColorLike <optional>

The stroke color.

stroke-width number <optional>

Stroke pixel width.

stroke-line-cap CanvasLineCap <optional>

Line cap style: butt, round, or square.

stroke-line-join CanvasLineJoin <optional>

Line join style: bevel, round, or miter.

stroke-line-dash Array.<number> <optional>

Line dash pattern.

stroke-line-dash-offset number <optional>

Line dash offset.

stroke-miter-limit number <optional>

Miter limit.

FlatStyle{FlatFill} {FlatStroke} {FlatText} {FlatIcon} {FlatShape} {FlatCircle}

For static styling, the layer.setStyle() method can be called with an object literal that has fill, stroke, text, icon, regular shape, and/or circle properties.

FlatStyleLike{FlatStyle} {Array<FlatStyle>}

A flat style literal or an array of the same.


Label style properties applied to all features. At a minimum, a text-value must be provided.

Name Type Argument Default Description
text-value string | Array.<string> <optional>

Text content or rich text content. For plain text provide a string, which can contain line breaks (\n). For rich text provide an array of text/font tuples. A tuple consists of the text to render and the font to use (or '' to use the text style's font). A line break has to be a separate tuple (i.e. '\n', ''). Example: ['foo', 'bold 10px sans-serif', ' bar', 'italic 10px sans-serif', ' baz', ''] will yield "foo bar baz". Note: Rich text is not supported for the immediate rendering API.

text-font string <optional>

Font style as CSS font value, see: Default is '10px sans-serif'

text-max-angle number <optional>

When text-placement is set to 'line', allow a maximum angle between adjacent characters. The expected value is in radians, and the default is 45° (Math.PI / 4).

text-offset-x number <optional>

Horizontal text offset in pixels. A positive will shift the text right.

text-offset-y number <optional>

Vertical text offset in pixels. A positive will shift the text down.

text-overflow boolean <optional>

For polygon labels or when placement is set to 'line', allow text to exceed the width of the polygon at the label position or the length of the path that it follows.

text-placement TextPlacement <optional>

Text placement.

text-repeat number <optional>

Repeat interval in pixels. When set, the text will be repeated at this interval. Only available when text-placement is set to 'line'. Overrides text-align.

text-scale number | Size <optional>


text-rotate-with-view boolean <optional>

Whether to rotate the text with the view.

text-rotation number <optional>

Rotation in radians (positive rotation clockwise).

text-align CanvasTextAlign <optional>

Text alignment. Possible values: 'left', 'right', 'center', 'end' or 'start'. Default is 'center' for text-placement: 'point'. For text-placement: 'line', the default is to let the renderer choose a placement where text-max-angle is not exceeded.

text-justify TextJustify <optional>

Text justification within the text box. If not set, text is justified towards the textAlign anchor. Otherwise, use options 'left', 'center', or 'right' to justify the text within the text box. Note: text-justify is ignored for immediate rendering and also for text-placement: 'line'.

text-baseline CanvasTextBaseline <optional>

Text base line. Possible values: 'bottom', 'top', 'middle', 'alphabetic', 'hanging', 'ideographic'.

text-padding Array.<number> <optional>
[0, 0, 0, 0]

Padding in pixels around the text for decluttering and background. The order of values in the array is [top, right, bottom, left].

text-fill-color Color | ColorLike <optional>

The fill color.

text-background-fill-color Color | ColorLike <optional>

The fill color.

text-stroke-color Color | ColorLike <optional>

The stroke color.

text-stroke-line-cap CanvasLineCap <optional>

Line cap style: butt, round, or square.

text-stroke-line-join CanvasLineJoin <optional>

Line join style: bevel, round, or miter.

text-stroke-line-dash Array.<number> <optional>

Line dash pattern.

text-stroke-line-dash-offset number <optional>

Line dash offset.

text-stroke-miter-limit number <optional>

Miter limit.

text-stroke-width number <optional>

Stroke pixel width.

text-background-stroke-color Color | ColorLike <optional>

The stroke color.

text-background-stroke-line-cap CanvasLineCap <optional>

Line cap style: butt, round, or square.

text-background-stroke-line-join CanvasLineJoin <optional>

Line join style: bevel, round, or miter.

text-background-stroke-line-dash Array.<number> <optional>

Line dash pattern.

text-background-stroke-line-dash-offset number <optional>

Line dash offset.

text-background-stroke-miter-limit number <optional>

Miter limit.

text-background-stroke-width number <optional>

Stroke pixel width.