Module: ol/source/GeoTIFF




Type Definitions


Name Type Description

The minimum value (as a string).


The maximum value (as a string).


Name Type Description
GTModelTypeGeoKey number

Model type.

GTRasterTypeGeoKey number

Raster type.

GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey number

Angular units.

GeogInvFlatteningGeoKey number

Inverse flattening.

GeogSemiMajorAxisGeoKey number

Semi-major axis.

GeographicTypeGeoKey number

Geographic coordinate system code.

ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey number

Projected linear unit code.

ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey number

Projected coordinate system code.




Name Type Argument Default Description
forceXHR boolean <optional>

Whether to force the usage of the browsers XMLHttpRequest API.

headers Object.<string, string> <optional>

additional key-value pairs of headers to be passed with each request. Key is the header name, value the header value.

credentials string <optional>

How credentials shall be handled. See for reference and possible values

maxRanges number <optional>

The maximum amount of ranges to request in a single multi-range request. By default only a single range is used.

allowFullFile boolean <optional>

Whether or not a full file is accepted when only a portion is requested. Only use this when you know the source image to be small enough to fit in memory.

blockSize number <optional>

The block size to use.

cacheSize number <optional>

The number of blocks that shall be held in a LRU cache.



Name Type Argument Default Description
sources Array<SourceInfo>

List of information about GeoTIFF sources. Multiple sources can be combined when their resolution sets are equal after applying a scale. The list of sources defines a mapping between input bands as they are read from each GeoTIFF and the output bands that are provided by data tiles. To control which bands to read from each GeoTIFF, use the bands property. If, for example, you specify two sources, one with 3 bands and nodata configured, and another with 1 band, the resulting data tiles will have 5 bands: 3 from the first source, 1 alpha band from the first source, and 1 band from the second source.

sourceOptions GeoTIFFSourceOptions <optional>

Additional options to be passed to geotiff.js's fromUrl or fromUrls methods.

convertToRGB true | false | 'auto' <optional>

By default, bands from the sources are read as-is. When reading GeoTIFFs with the purpose of displaying them as RGB images, setting this to true will convert other color spaces (YCbCr, CMYK) to RGB. Setting the option to 'auto' will make it so CMYK, YCbCr, CIELab, and ICCLab images will automatically be converted to RGB.

normalize boolean <optional>

By default, the source data is normalized to values between 0 and 1 with scaling factors based on the raster statistics or min and max properties of each source. If instead you want to work with the raw values in a style expression, set this to false. Setting this option to false will make it so any min and max properties on sources are ignored.

opaque boolean <optional>

Whether the layer is opaque.

transition number <optional>

Duration of the opacity transition for rendering. To disable the opacity transition, pass transition: 0.

wrapX boolean <optional>

Render tiles beyond the tile grid extent.

interpolate boolean <optional>

Use interpolated values when resampling. By default, the linear interpolation is used to resample the data. If false, nearest neighbor is used.


Name Type Argument Default Description
url string <optional>

URL for the source GeoTIFF.

overviews Array.<string> <optional>

List of any overview URLs, only applies if the url parameter is given.

blob Blob <optional>

Blob containing the source GeoTIFF. blob and url are mutually exclusive.

min number <optional>

The minimum source data value. Rendered values are scaled from 0 to 1 based on the configured min and max. If not provided and raster statistics are available, those will be used instead. If neither are available, the minimum for the data type will be used. To disable this behavior, set the normalize option to false in the constructor.

max number <optional>

The maximum source data value. Rendered values are scaled from 0 to 1 based on the configured min and max. If not provided and raster statistics are available, those will be used instead. If neither are available, the maximum for the data type will be used. To disable this behavior, set the normalize option to false in the constructor.

nodata number <optional>

Values to discard (overriding any nodata values in the metadata). When provided, an additional alpha band will be added to the data. Often the GeoTIFF metadata will include information about nodata values, so you should only need to set this property if you find that it is not already extracted from the metadata.

bands Array.<number> <optional>

Band numbers to be read from (where the first band is 1). If not provided, all bands will be read. For example, if a GeoTIFF has blue (1), green (2), red (3), and near-infrared (4) bands, and you only need the near-infrared band, configure bands: [4].