Module: ol/View




Type Definitions


An animation configuration

Name Type Argument Description
sourceCenter Coordinate <optional>

Source center.

targetCenter Coordinate <optional>

Target center.

sourceResolution number <optional>

Source resolution.

targetResolution number <optional>

Target resolution.

sourceRotation number <optional>

Source rotation.

targetRotation number <optional>

Target rotation.

anchor Coordinate <optional>


start number


duration number


complete boolean


easing function


callback function



Name Type Argument Default Description
center Coordinate <optional>

The center of the view at the end of the animation.

zoom number <optional>

The zoom level of the view at the end of the animation. This takes precedence over resolution.

resolution number <optional>

The resolution of the view at the end of the animation. If zoom is also provided, this option will be ignored.

rotation number <optional>

The rotation of the view at the end of the animation.

anchor Coordinate <optional>

Optional anchor to remain fixed during a rotation or resolution animation.

duration number <optional>

The duration of the animation in milliseconds.

easing function <optional>

The easing function used during the animation (defaults to inAndOut). The function will be called for each frame with a number representing a fraction of the animation's duration. The function should return a number between 0 and 1 representing the progress toward the destination state.


Name Type Description
center Type


resolution Type


rotation Type



Name Type Argument Default Description
size Size <optional>

The size in pixels of the box to fit the extent into. Default is the current size of the first map in the DOM that uses this view, or [100, 100] if no such map is found.

padding Array.<number> <optional>
[0, 0, 0, 0]

Padding (in pixels) to be cleared inside the view. Values in the array are top, right, bottom and left padding.

nearest boolean <optional>

If the view constrainResolution option is true, get the nearest extent instead of the closest that actually fits the view.

minResolution number <optional>

Minimum resolution that we zoom to.

maxZoom number <optional>

Maximum zoom level that we zoom to. If minResolution is given, this property is ignored.

duration number <optional>

The duration of the animation in milliseconds. By default, there is no animation to the target extent.

easing function <optional>

The easing function used during the animation (defaults to inAndOut). The function will be called for each frame with a number representing a fraction of the animation's duration. The function should return a number between 0 and 1 representing the progress toward the destination state.

callback function <optional>

Function called when the view is in its final position. The callback will be called with true if the animation series completed on its own or false if it was cancelled.


Name Type Argument Description
center Coordinate


projection Projection


resolution number


nextCenter Coordinate <optional>

The next center during an animation series.

nextResolution number <optional>

The next resolution during an animation series.

nextRotation number <optional>

The next rotation during an animation series.

rotation number


zoom number


ViewObjectEventTypes{Types} {'change:center'} {'change:resolution'} {'change:rotation'}


Name Type Argument Default Description
center Coordinate <optional>

The initial center for the view. If a user projection is not set, the coordinate system for the center is specified with the projection option. Layer sources will not be fetched if this is not set, but the center can be set later with #setCenter.

constrainRotation boolean | number <optional>

Rotation constraint. false means no constraint. true means no constraint, but snap to zero near zero. A number constrains the rotation to that number of values. For example, 4 will constrain the rotation to 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees.

enableRotation boolean <optional>

Enable rotation. If false, a rotation constraint that always sets the rotation to zero is used. The constrainRotation option has no effect if enableRotation is false.

extent Extent <optional>

The extent that constrains the view, in other words, nothing outside of this extent can be visible on the map.

constrainOnlyCenter boolean <optional>

If true, the extent constraint will only apply to the view center and not the whole extent.

smoothExtentConstraint boolean <optional>

If true, the extent constraint will be applied smoothly, i.e. allow the view to go slightly outside of the given extent.

maxResolution number <optional>

The maximum resolution used to determine the resolution constraint. It is used together with minResolution (or maxZoom) and zoomFactor. If unspecified it is calculated in such a way that the projection's validity extent fits in a 256x256 px tile. If the projection is Spherical Mercator (the default) then maxResolution defaults to 40075016.68557849 / 256 = 156543.03392804097.

minResolution number <optional>

The minimum resolution used to determine the resolution constraint. It is used together with maxResolution (or minZoom) and zoomFactor. If unspecified it is calculated assuming 29 zoom levels (with a factor of 2). If the projection is Spherical Mercator (the default) then minResolution defaults to 40075016.68557849 / 256 / Math.pow(2, 28) = 0.0005831682455839253.

maxZoom number <optional>

The maximum zoom level used to determine the resolution constraint. It is used together with minZoom (or maxResolution) and zoomFactor. Note that if minResolution is also provided, it is given precedence over maxZoom.

minZoom number <optional>

The minimum zoom level used to determine the resolution constraint. It is used together with maxZoom (or minResolution) and zoomFactor. Note that if maxResolution is also provided, it is given precedence over minZoom.

multiWorld boolean <optional>

If false the view is constrained so only one world is visible, and you cannot pan off the edge. If true the map may show multiple worlds at low zoom levels. Only used if the projection is global. Note that if extent is also provided it is given precedence.

constrainResolution boolean <optional>

If true, the view will always animate to the closest zoom level after an interaction; false means intermediary zoom levels are allowed.

smoothResolutionConstraint boolean <optional>

If true, the resolution min/max values will be applied smoothly, i. e. allow the view to exceed slightly the given resolution or zoom bounds.

showFullExtent boolean <optional>

Allow the view to be zoomed out to show the full configured extent. By default, when a view is configured with an extent, users will not be able to zoom out so the viewport exceeds the extent in either dimension. This means the full extent may not be visible if the viewport is taller or wider than the aspect ratio of the configured extent. If showFullExtent is true, the user will be able to zoom out so that the viewport exceeds the height or width of the configured extent, but not both, allowing the full extent to be shown.

projection ProjectionLike <optional>

The projection. The default is Spherical Mercator.

resolution number <optional>

The initial resolution for the view. The units are projection units per pixel (e.g. meters per pixel). An alternative to setting this is to set zoom. Layer sources will not be fetched if neither this nor zoom are defined, but they can be set later with #setZoom or #setResolution.

resolutions Array.<number> <optional>

Resolutions that determine the zoom levels if specified. The index in the array corresponds to the zoom level, therefore the resolution values have to be in descending order. It also constrains the resolution by the minimum and maximum value. If set the maxResolution, minResolution, minZoom, maxZoom, and zoomFactor options are ignored.

rotation number <optional>

The initial rotation for the view in radians (positive rotation clockwise, 0 means North).

zoom number <optional>

Only used if resolution is not defined. Zoom level used to calculate the initial resolution for the view.

zoomFactor number <optional>

The zoom factor used to compute the corresponding resolution.

padding Array.<number> <optional>
[0, 0, 0, 0]

Padding (in css pixels). If the map viewport is partially covered with other content (overlays) along its edges, this setting allows to shift the center of the viewport away from that content. The order of the values is top, right, bottom, left.


Like FrameState, but just viewState and extent.

Name Type Description
viewState State

View state.

extent Extent
